
IDEA is an acronym that stands for inclusion, diversity, equity, and access. Each of these values is central to the mission and vision of the IDEA committee, which serves the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas.
- The IDEA committee aims to support inclusion by working toward a welcoming and supportive departmental culture for students, staff, and faculty from all backgrounds, where everyone feels valued, seen, heard, and included, particularly those who are or have been underrepresented.
- The committee strives to increase diversity in regard to recruiting and retaining Department members from a multitude of different identities, backgrounds, cultures, and varied scholarly standpoints.
- We aim to promote equity, which we will convey by identifying and curating resources, advocacy, and a platform for those who are oppressed by inequitable systems and structures in greater society and higher education.
- Finally, our committee works to increase access to social and material resources and support for all Department members to thrive in their academic and social lives.
Overall, our mission is to help the department develop and implement specific steps to better fight racism, sexism, ableism, classism, heterosexism, transphobia, ageism, xenophobia, and other forms of discrimination and oppression. The overarching goal of the IDEA committee is to help the Department of Communication Studies become more inclusive, welcoming, and supportive.