
It is never easy to report issues about IDEA. But it is important to say something if you or others are being discriminated against for any reason. Reporting can be complex and we're here to help. We offer several options for reporting.

Any formal complaint regarding issues of inclusion, diversity, equity, or access should be formally reported via KU IOA's Online Complaint Form

If you wish to speak to an ombudsperson (a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent office on campus where members of the campus community who can discuss issues they may be facing as a student, staff, or faculty member) please contact the KU Ombuds Office.

The CARE (Campus Assistance, Resource, and Education) Coordinator’s primary role is to provide institutional support for students who have been impacted by any form of violence. Services are free and confidential, and the CARE Coordinator is also exempt from mandatory reporting to University officials or organizations. The CARE Coordinator offers individualized therapeutic support, education and assistance navigating campus and community resources; support during the reporting process (both KU and criminal), and interim assistance with academic or housing needs.

Please note, all KU IDEA Committee members, like most faculty and staff on campus, are mandatory reporters. Find out more here.